Logo maker tools overview

Top 7  logo maker tools available online.

All of the logo maker tools we've tested were quite good.
If you are not a graphic designer and you need quick and good results, these logo makers are for you: Graphic springs, Tailor brands, Hipster logo and Text Giraffe. 
We've Liked most  Graphic springs and Tailor brands because of their good UI and good and quick results.
The rest: Logo garden, Online Logo Maker and logo type maker are more for designers and might require more time and efforts to create a good logo.

Review & Evaluation 

Each tool has been granted a 1-5 stars rating in different categories: Assistance according to your needs, User interface , Customization, Speed and Price.
We have ranked from top to bottom our favorites.
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1. Graphic Springs

We have found this logo maker very impressive for all the right reasons. It has an amazing, easy UI and also leaves the user with a positive experience. The best thing about it is that it just works GREAT! It is fast and fun but also has almost unlimited editable options (whether from an existing symbol library or creating your own). Nonetheless it is very smart. It has a special feature that helps you, the non-designers, to match colours automatically, using a pallet of conventional combinations. The results are beautiful and exciting.
However, the price is a bit of an obstacle - $39.90 for downloading your logo and granitng free access. This information appears at the end of the process (when trying to download), which could be kind of a bummer if you have just spent the last two hours working on your logo.
Summary: Great product, Pricey.

Assistance according to your needs
User Interface

2. Tailor Brands

A new and exciting tool which allows you not only to create your own logo, but to fully brand your company as well.
It works on a smart algorithm that matches your logo, based on your choices. For example the application will ask you to provide information on what kind of business you are involved with and what is your best way to define it in a word. It will also show you options for a luxury approach or a "down to earth" on the other hand. The algorithm will narrow down the options for you accordingly. This logo maker is great if you love to sit back and trust a computer to do the job for you. Although it may sound thin, the results are surprising and very little customization is needed. However, it is not recommended for users who love to command and control and is also not cheap.
Summary: Fast, artificial intelligence, Lack of customization. Good answer for those whom ask how to create a logo online. 

Assistance according to your needs
User Interface

3. Hipster Logo Generator

True to its name - this tool is targeted for hipsters. It allows you to make a kind of "patch" logo, based on some repeating layers: rounded or squared background, shaped in the middle, text and some decoration. The results are very good, but as stated above, not really based on modern branding and marketing approaches and somewhat boring. On the other hand, it has a free version with which you will be able to download your logo on 600*500px resolution (more then enough, usually).
Summary: Cheap, Easy & Fast, Monotonic

Assistance according to your needs
User Interface

4. Logo Garden

Very cute and comfortable tool, but a little out of date and not modernly designed. Making a trendy logo with this tool could be a tough mission.
Nevertheless, the accessibilty is pretty amazing. This tool is easy for everybody, even for individuals who suffer from technofobia. It also provides a list of occupations to direct you to relevant symbols for your logo.

Assistance according to your needs 
User Interface

5. Online Logo Maker

free logo maker
This tool makes you feel like you are the boss, although it does not have assistance or guidance and its UI may be a little frustrating. However, you will be able to choose from dozens of shapes and effects. If you still ask how to create a logo - Its not for you. We find this logo maker more suitable for professional designers. Nevertheless the good news is, it's a free logo maker!

Assistance according to your needs 
User Interface

6. Text Giraffe

If you are short of time and resources but you must create your own logo,  this may be the answer for you.  All you have to do is insert your company name and choose your style. Then, in the blink of an eye, you'll have your logo ready to use. This tool is based on text and huge directories of styles and fonts. 

Assistance according to your needs 
User Interface

7. Logo Type Maker

This logo maker is simple to use and also offers a wide variety of symbols and fonts. In our opinion, the style library and the UI is a bit archaic and old fashioned, so you'll probably be able to get better, more modern results with other tools. Moreover, we did not like the fact that inspite of "FREE" signaling all over the place, it does cost money eventually.

Assistance according to your needs
User Interface
We hope this article was useful answering - how to create a logo and helped you to create your own logo!!!
Have a nice flight. See you next time.