David, 2023-05-10T09:38:08.076Z
Figma and Font Awesome: A Guide for Icon Creators
If you're an icon creator, you've likely heard of Figma and Font Awesome, two powerful tools in the design world. But do you know how to use Font Awesome in Figma? If not, don't worry - we're about to dive into the nitty-gritty.
Alright, let's put it this way. Imagine you're building a mind map or a user flow for a project. You've got your Flow Icon ready, but you feel like something's missing. Maybe you need a specific icon, something unique that Font Awesome offers. Now, you're stuck wondering how to use Font Awesome in Figma.
Let me take you back a few years when I was designing a dashboard for a client. I needed some specific icons, and Font Awesome was my go-to. The problem? I was working in Figma and needed to figure out how to use Font Awesome in Figma quickly. I was specifically looking for a set of 128*128 icons, and time was of the essence.
After a few quick searches and some trial and error, I found the answer. Here's the deal: Font Awesome isn't integrated directly into Figma, but don't let that stop you. There's a simple workaround.
First, head to the Font Awesome website and find the icon you want to use. Once you've got it, download it as an SVG file. Now, head back to Figma, go to the menu, and select 'Import'. Find your downloaded SVG, and voila! You've just learned how to use Font Awesome in Figma.
However, it's important to remember that SVG files are treated as images in Figma. This means you won't be able to change the color or size using the text properties as you would in HTML or CSS. You'll need to use the image properties to make any adjustments.
Going back to my dashboard project, this trick was a lifesaver. Importing the Font Awesome icons as SVGs allowed me to add the perfect finishing touches to my design. And even though I couldn't use text properties to adjust the icons, the image properties gave me enough flexibility to get the job done.
So, if you ever find yourself scratching your head, wondering how to use Font Awesome in Figma, remember this simple trick. It might not be a direct integration, but it gets the job done.
Learning how to use Font Awesome in Figma has been a game-changer for me, opening up a whole new world of icon possibilities. And now that you've got the knowledge, it's time to create something awesome. Happy designing!